Day Nine: Confession: I hate potato chips
Day 9: I hate potato chips
When I got home from work, I did a big no-no and binge ate a bunch of plantain chips. (They are Whole30 approved, but that doesn't make it ok!) I was really hungry and tired at the same time, so it was so easy to sit on the couch and shove the chips into my mouth. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just couldn't control the impulse! or maybe I could have and just didn't care. Cooking something nutritious didn't sound like something I wanted to do, so I continued to eat the plantains. I kept telling myself, "I'll make sure I eat some veggies with these chips so that it will be ok." Yah, that never happened. I just kept eating until the container was empty.
I'm convinced I'm in the "boundless energy, now give me a twinkie" stage of this Whole 30. (To read the timeline, click here.) Even though I am tired at the end of the day, during the day, I have a lot of energy. It's more than I've had in a long time. I'm also craving things I never usually eat. Luckily for me, I am not craving a pickle or bacon, but I am wanting strange things I wouldn't eat on a regular basis, like those plantain chips. It's strange that I would eat something like that because.....
Confession: I absolutely hate potato chips.
They are on the same level as pickles and bacon for the amount of hatred I have for those items. I don't even want them on my plate, tainting everything they touch. But for some reason, I couldn't stop myself from eating handful after handful of plantain chips. Guess what they tasted like. Yup, potato chips. Exactly like potato chips. What is wrong with me??
Not only did I feel like crap from eating half a container of friend plantain chips, but I also felt incredibly guilty for not having the impulse control to stop myself from snacking. Instead of getting off my couch to prepare a quick something healthy, I chose to indulge my cravings for junk food. Another downside of my junk food binge was that I was never truly hungry for a real meal. We went to Whole Foods to get a few groceries for the morning and everything I COULDN'T HAVE sounded wonderful, but nothing I COULD HAVE sounded appetizing. I made the mistake of getting a double shot of espresso, which made me feel awful because I was jittery for hours after. It was just an evening of Food FAILS. Even though I stayed fully within the food restrictions for Whole 30, I certainly understand why it's so important to eat real meals real food. Junk food, regardless of it being Whole 30 approved, is just junk and should be avoided.
Eat real food!
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