Day Eight: $221.78

Day Eight.

It's May 8th and I've spent $221.78 on groceries since starting Whole 30.  (This might not be the most accurate number because it probably includes cat food, treats for Josh, and other household items I purchased at HEB.)  It's only been 8 days.  EIGHT! Even thought the amount is more than $100 more than I normally spend a week on groceries, this number also reflects the amount of money I've saved by not going out to eat. 

Yes, I usually spend $100 a week on groceries for 2 people. It's pretty ridiculous. Normally, I walk up and down the aisles putting interesting things into my cart. Then I put them away in the pantry and they just sit there. When I need something for a recipe, instead of checking my pantry, I just buy more at the store. Thus, the reason why I have 6 cans of black beans, 2 jars of peanut butter, and many expired dressings and sauces. I have 8 cans of Campbell's soup that I've never even tried.

I'm a creative cook. I genuinely love cooking. I always have, even as a kid. Ok, ok, I wasn't exactly a cook back then, but I was known to be in the kitchen a lot.  I would act like I was making breakfast when in reality, I was making more icing to add to my Toaster Pastry. Sometimes I wasn't even making breakfast. I would just make icing for no reason! That might explain this picture from my sophomore year in high school. Why did I take a picture next to Molly? That was a really terrible idea.

Molly and Me, Hawaii 2000
I love to come up with random things to eat. I love to try new recipes. The problem with this is so often I am not in that creative mood to cook so we just go out because "there's nothing to eat in the house!"

Whole 30 has forced me to be a planner.  Even though it takes time to plan and cook, I find that during the week I am saving time by just grabbing things out of the fridge that I've already prepared.  These choices are better than I was making before when I would just grab a frozen meal for lunch because it was convenient.

Eating WHOLE may sound expensive, but I dare you to try it and see how much you save.  And not to mention how much better you will feel!  Eating WHOLE may sound like an inconvenience because you don't have time to plan meals each day, but isn't your heath worth it? Try it!

Also, I had my second kitchen injury tonight. I sliced my finger with a container for walnuts. Ugh.

Here's another little gem from that trip to Hawaii.  We had such a blast!  Love these people....

Goodnight, y'all.


  1. I spent a lot initially stocking up on different things (too much, really). Now, on average I spend $40-50. When I have to buy meat, which I tend to buy a lot of at once, it's $80-90 but that's about once/month or every other. you'll find a balance. keep it up, I'm proud of you!!


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