Day Twenty-seven through Twenty-nine: The Homestretch

Day Twenty-Seven through Twenty-Nine The Homestretch Tina Fey is my hero. Day Twenty-Seven Election Day! In true Travis County Elections style, there was a buffet of tasty treats for everyone to snack on throughout the day. The call center staff is renowned for bringing delicious food for everyone to share. My weakness: donuts. And not just any kind of donuts. Round Rock donuts. Dan always brings a dozen Round Rock donuts to share on Election Day. Normally, I would have walked right over to that table and snatched one up before they were gone. But, this day I had to resist. I didn't even walk into the call center so as not to be tempted. It was easier than I thought it would be! Everyone knew I was doing a special "diet" so they didn't bother to ask me if I wanted any of the treats. The rest of the day went really well with very little issues. Our receiving substation, ...