You Have Called Us to the Mending

You Have Called Us to the Mending

O holy one,

Knower and searcher of every human heart

The One from whom no secrets are hidden,

Your spirit is ever present, unveiling the unloving and unholy within in us

Give us the courage to face our brokenness, 

to admit when we are wrong,

To make amends when we hurt one another, 

Refusing to let pride and ego dictate our relationships 

and noticing when it does 

when we encounter injustice

or pain

or suffering

or hunger

or loneliness

Convict us when we say “not my problem”

Stir in our hearts the courage to get uncomfortable 

To call an old friend

To visit a loved one in a nursing home

To have lunch with someone we disagree with

To say I’m sorry

Because….you are working within us to mend this broken world

Of injustice, of suffering, of hunger, of loneliness.

It starts within our hearts, our words, our feet, our hands

But you say….

Such big tasks for these small hands

Can my heart handle much more?

My feet are aching from walking a path with no end 

And I have little left to say

O holy one, we desperately need you.

We cry out to you to remind us this is not “all for nothing”

That you have called us to the mending 

And that you will never leave our side


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