Patiently Waiting: The Song of Simeon (and Anna)

A Sermon for the People of First Baptist Church of Austin December 31, 2023 from the collection "Book of Gospels" by Laura James "Patiently Waiting" Luke 2:22-40 Well, we’ve made it! We’ve made it to the last day of the year. There is a buzz in the air. A buzz of excitement, of expectations, of champagne glasses and confetti. Parties with old friends and parties with new ones. Parents letting their kids stay up to watch the ball drop, which they will end up regretting because it will be way too late. Parents forcing themselves to stay awake to watch the ball drop, which they will end up regretting because it will be way too late. Fireworks. Noise makers. Party hats. Those ill fitting 2-0-2-4 glasses that haven't quite looked right over our eyes since 2009. Televised scenes of thousands of strangers standing shoulder to shoulder in the streets of new york city cheering for the inevitable new start a new year brings. A midnight kiss from a new love or from on...