Sunday morning prayers

Photo by Priyanka Karmakar on Unsplash Sunday Morning prayers Genesis 18:1-10a Sixth Sunday after Pentecost July 17, 2022 Written by Carrie Houston I wrote this prayer for Sunday morning's service. The text for the morning was Genesis 18:1-10, the story of Abraham meeting three strangers and then offering water, bread, and food. The very last verse is the promise that Sarah will have a baby. What struck me the most about this passage was not the fact that a 99 year old woman would still be able to create life, but how Abraham's hospitality to these strangers was only made possible because of the work of someone else. In this case, he forces his wife to make and bake bread to feed the strangers, and gets his servants to do the dirty work of slaughtering a calf, all so he would have something to present to strangers. It struck me that so often there are people we don't even consider part of our lives, because ...