Love One Another

A Sermon for First Baptist Church of Austin May 15, 2022 Graduate Recognition Sunday John 13:31-35 "Psalm 148"by Alyse Radenovic Love One Another In 1993, the funniest, most quirky and yet extremely memorable movie was released, right in the middle of my childhood. Known for its elaborate plot, extensive makeup and prosthetics budget, and an assembly of A-list actors, it became the second-highest-grossing film of that year, only behind Jurassic Park. Released in theaters a month shy of my 10 th birthday, somehow I was permitted to see this PG-13 rated movie, most likely because my sister and I begged and pleaded with our parents in the middle of a Blockbuster to let us rent it. For all of you under 25, Blockbuster was a place where you walked into a brick and mortar store full of VHS-es as far as the eyes could see and paid $4.99 to take one home for the night to watch and promptly return the next day in order to avoid hefty late fees. We didn...