Just Breathe

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash As a kid, I ate a banana before every violin audition or competition I had. It was inevitable- I would get sweaty palms, shaky hands, and butterflies in the pit of my stomach before my number was called to perform. I was told that eating a banana was supposed to help calm you. I didn’t know why a banana was the cure-all for nervousness (because I really don’t like bananas!) but I was desperate for all the help I could get. If google existed back then, I would have discovered that foods rich in potassium can help regulate electrolyte balance and manage blood pressure. It’s also why they are readily available after a long race. Eating a banana is an easy way (well, only if you like bananas!) to get that much needed potassium to bring your blood pressure down, thus curbing some of those anxiety symptoms. Instead of telling me to reach for a banana, I wish my violin teacher would have taught me tec...