Routines and repetitions

A letter written to the church last week.... Carrie here, filling in for Griff. He’s still fighting illness and is finally taking some time to rest so he can get better. So, it’s my turn to share a few things with you as we head into the weekend…. The other night, Josh and I were putting our toddler to bed and following our nightly rituals: PJs, potty, brush teeth, read books, sing songs, go to bed. After completing more than half of our routine, we got stuck on the “read books” part. Indulging her stalling techniques for far too long, we told her we were done reading books and it was time for bed. She looked at us and said “ok, how ‘bout I’ll read this book TO you!” She grabbed the Daniel tiger book, asked me to pick a story, and we turned to the right page. She immediately began “reading” the story to us, reciting the words aloud exactly as they were written on the page. “Surely, she’s not actually readin...