No Fear.

I tell myself that the only reason I work out is so that I can take really long, hot showers. it's what motivates me to finish my run or 20 minutes of burpies (yes, that happened today). and if I'm completely honest, showers are a great place to get away from the responsibilities of parenting, if just for 10 minutes. ella will just have to wait until mommy is out of the shower. #dadsarethebest Every minute or so, I turn the knob a little to the left to make it hotter and hotter. by the time I get out, the bathroom mirror is completely steamed over and my skin is a nice red color. and the redder I am, the better the shower. I do my best thinking in the shower. there's something about the warm water that relaxes my body and mind. this day was no different, but I felt compelled to reflect on my own sermon from yesterday in blog form, after being inspired by a great new minister friend who encourages me with her blog. Yesterday was transfiguration Sun...