A Whole (30) New Month
My first post. Scary, huh, to start something new? I am about to embark on a journey that I am honestly not even sure I can finish. This blog serves as my way of keeping myself accountable, but also to track my progress throughout the month. At the recommendation of my sorority sister Kim, I've decided to challenge myself for the entire month of May to stick to the strict diet, Whole 30. It's a huge craze in the CrossFit world, so it's appropriate that Kim suggested to me in the first place. She told of her success on the plan, and her body and health certainly are a testimony to it's effectiveness. After many doubts and concerns, I decided I should give it a try. Why? Because I have multiple sclerosis. Diagnosed officially last June, I've been struggling with the emotions of dealing with this chronic illness. While my symptoms have been minimal thus far, the thought of one day losing my ability to walk scares the crap out of me. What scares m...